The November- December 2018 USA tour.

We departed Tullarmarine 1230 November 3rd and arrived LAX 0930 November 3rd. After a 14 and a half hour flight, we arrived three hours before we left. We gained a day. On the return journey, we departed LAX at 2140 on December the 6th and arrived at Tullmarine at 0830 December the 8th. We lost a day.
In 5 weeks we travelled from Melbourne, Australia to Los AngelesDisneyland, Universal Studios, Las Vegas the Grand Canyon National Park, Beatty, NV Yosemite National Park, San Fransisco and LA once more before flying home to Melbourne. We travelled over 5,200 kms in 12 seat GMC Savana minibus.  The Road Trip     

The Itinerary, what we planned and what happened!! 

Images, These are thumbnails to all of the photos from the USA.